
United Laundry

Student Accommodation

Effortlessly clean and hygienic laundry solutions for your student accommodation

A+ laundry services for

happy students.

Whether you’re a student accommodation provider, a university or a college, we have the expertise and experience to deliver bespoke laundry solutions that meet your specific needs.

From washing machines and dryers to ironers and folding machines, we offer a wide range of laundry equipment to suit your requirements and budget.


Machines designed for student accommodation

Some of our range for student accommodations

UniMac UUT30, UUT45

UniMac UUT line of commercial tumble dryers optimise space and are equipped with east to use controls. Especially suited for self self laundromats.


UniMac UY65, 80, 105, 135

Ideal for second floor on-premises laundries or other installations where a poured foundation isn’t an option, UniMac UY model softmount washer-extractors offer the perfect solution.


UniMac UDD285

Equipped with innovative humidity sensors to protect the linen from overdrying: Dryer secures optimum end results. The UDD model of commercial tumbler comes in capacity of 2x13kg.

Help is Just a Call Away: Trust United Laundry for Reliable Service and Support

We also offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services to keep your laundry facilities in top condition. Our team of experienced technicians are available 24/7 to ensure that any issues are promptly addressed, minimising downtime and disruption to your operations.

Our laundry solutions are designed to improve the efficiency and performance of your laundry facilities, while reducing operating costs and minimising environmental impact.

We're here to help

Contact us today to learn more about our laundry solutions specifically tailored for student settings.

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    Fill out the form below and we will get back to you within the next 24
    hours to complete the order, and then you’re all set to get started!

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